Example 4 – Lesson Plan Mapping

During one of our classes, we were given the opportunity to draw out and “map” what our plans were for our lesson plan.  This was extremely beneficial for my group.  Before we were instructed to do this, we had an idea of what activities we wanted to put together, but the concept of planning it and laying it all out was a little overwhelming.  Doing the lesson plan maps really helped us visually see what we were putting together and allowed us to create a lesson plan.

We eventually decided that what we initially had in mind wasn’t going to quite work they way we were hoping, so we changed our topic and created a new lesson plan.  A map for our first lesson plan, Oceans, and a map for the lesson plan we facilitated, Aquatic Pollution, can be found below.

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As you can see, the map for our Oceans lesson plan has a lot of ideas that we just wouldn’t have been able to successfully implement.  For our Aquatic Pollution lesson plan, we simplified all of the ideas we had and neatly organized it into a five part lesson plan that was all-in-all successful!

Sorry that they aren’t completely visible.  To enlarge them, click on the images.

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